Read one Squidge Dibley and you will want to get the others straight away!

The new Squidge Dibley book has just come out so this review is about the 3 books that are already out. They are all FUNNY! The author’s name is Mick Elliott. When you read one you will want to get the others straight away!


Squidge Dibley Destroys History


This is the first book I read of Squidge Dibley. It was very interesting and when I saw the other two books on the back I just wanted to get them and start reading them.

You should read this because some of Squidge Dibley Destroys History will tell you very interesting stuff to learn about things like vikings. It is like all of the Squidge Dibleys it is funny so if you like numbers 1 and 2 you will probably like this one too. Most of it is talking about how crazy of Squidge it is to build a tiny time machine.

In Squidge Dibley Destroys History he builds a time machine for his history project which is crazy. Their class pet which is a puffer fish called Bubble ‘O’Gill accidentally falls in and Squidge has to go back in time to save him. 


Squidge Dibley Destroys The School

Squidge Dibley Destroys The School is about a 6 grade kid who's name is Squidge Dibley and he goes to Craglands South Primary School and their school teacher is so mean that you're not even allowed to sneeze. But when Squidge Dibley comes he makes a scary school into the most epic school in the world.

It is a very funny book because there are serious parts in it and very funny parts in it as well. Squidge Dibley Destroys The School is actually the first Squidge Dibley so read this one first if you haven’t started. I recommend this for kids who like to read alone and laugh all the time.

Squidge Dibley Destroys The Galaxy


In Squidge Dibley Destroys The Galaxy the class goes on a excursion to a place where you can train to be an astronaut. Squidge Dibley’s class is class 6PU. They are in grade 6 and they go to space by themselves and they end up getting lost in space but Squidge Dibley saves them. The bad thing was that Squidge disappeared in space while his friends go back to Earth and land in the sea where there are only man-eating sharks! But before they knew it Squidge had sling shotted them back to the space station.

This is the most funny book out of all the Squidge Dibleys because all through the book a kid called Crichton Peel does big stink bombs and blames the person next to him and he is very gross. He brags that he’s the smartest person in the class (which he is not) and picks his nose and saves it for when he needs a snack in class.

If you want to get these books they don’t cost too much and some websites have them for very cheap.

By Oscar, age 8

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